"In general the coordinates in psl files are “zero based half open.” The first base in a sequence is numbered
zero rather than one. When representing a range the end coordinate is not included in the range. Thus the first
100 bases of a sequence are represented as 0-100, and the second 100 bases are represented as 100-200. There is
another little unusual feature in the .psl format. It has to do with how coordinates are handled on the
negative strand. In the qStart/qEnd fields the coordinates are where it matches from the point of view of the forward
strand (even when the match is on the reverse strand). However on the qStarts[] list, the coordinates are reversed."
--- http://wiki.bits.vib.be/index.php/Blat
import math
import subprocess
import warnings
import re
import TSV
from .constants import CIGAR, DNA_ALPHABET, STRAND, reverse_complement, NA_MAPPING_QUALITY, PYSAM_READ_FLAGS
from .bam import cigar as cigar_tools
from .bam.read import SamRead
from .bam.cigar import QUERY_ALIGNED_STATES
from .interval import Interval
from .align import query_coverage_interval, SUPPORTED_ALIGNER
from .util import devnull
[docs]class Blat:
[docs] @staticmethod
def millibad(row, is_protein=False, is_mrna=True):
this function is used in calculating percent identity
direct translation of the perl code
# https://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQblat.html#blat4
size_mul = 1 if not is_protein else 3
if is_protein and is_mrna:
raise AttributeError('cannot be a protein AND and mRNA')
q_ali_size = size_mul * (row['qend'] - row['qstart'])
t_ali_size = row['tend'] - row['tstart']
ali_size = min(q_ali_size, t_ali_size)
if ali_size <= 0:
return 0
size_dif = q_ali_size - t_ali_size
if size_dif < 0:
if is_mrna:
size_dif = 0
size_dif = abs(size_dif)
insert_factor = row['qgap_count']
if not is_mrna:
insert_factor += row['tgap_count']
total = size_mul * (row['match'] + row['repmatch'] + row['mismatch'])
if total != 0:
millibad = 0
round_away_from_zero = 3 * math.log(1 + size_dif)
if round_away_from_zero < 0:
round_away_from_zero = int(round_away_from_zero - 0.5)
round_away_from_zero = int(round_away_from_zero + 0.5)
millibad = (1000 * (row['mismatch'] * size_mul + insert_factor + round_away_from_zero)) / total
return millibad
return 0
[docs] @staticmethod
def score(row, is_protein=False):
direct translation from ucsc guidelines on replicating the web blat score
below are lines from the perl code i've re-written in python
my $sizeMul = pslIsProtein($blockCount, $strand, $tStart, $tEnd, $tSize, $tStarts, $blockSizes);
sizmul = 1 for DNA
my $pslScore = $sizeMul * ($matches + ($repMatches >> 1) ) - $sizeMul * $misMatches - $qNumInsert - $tNumIns
size_mul = 1 if not is_protein else 3
score = size_mul * (row['match'] + (row['repmatch'] >> 1)) \
- size_mul * row['mismatch'] \
- row['qgap_count'] \
- row['tgap_count']
return score
[docs] @staticmethod
def percent_identity(row, is_protein=False, is_mrna=True):
return 100 - int(Blat.millibad(row, is_protein, is_mrna)) * 0.1
[docs] @staticmethod
def read_pslx(filename, seqid_to_sequence_mapping, is_protein=False, verbose=True):
pslx_header = [
'match', 'mismatch', 'repmatch', 'ncount',
'qgap_count', 'qgap_bases',
'tgap_count', 'tgap_bases',
'qname', 'qsize', 'qstart', 'qend',
'tname', 'tsize', 'tstart', 'tend',
'block_count', 'block_sizes',
'qstarts', 'tstarts',
'qseqs', 'tseqs'
def split_csv_trailing_seq(x):
return [s.upper() for s in re.sub(',$', '', x).split(',')]
def split_csv_trailing_ints(x):
return [int(s) for s in re.sub(',$', '', x).split(',')]
header, rows = TSV.read_file(
'match': int,
'mismatch': int,
'repmatch': int,
'ncount': int,
'qgap_count': int,
'qgap_bases': int,
'tgap_count': int,
'tgap_bases': int,
'qsize': int,
'qstart': int,
'qend': int,
'tsize': int,
'tstart': int,
'tend': int,
'block_count': int,
'tname': lambda x: re.sub('^chr', '', x),
'block_sizes': split_csv_trailing_ints,
'qstarts': split_csv_trailing_ints,
'tstarts': split_csv_trailing_ints,
'qseqs': split_csv_trailing_seq,
'tseqs': split_csv_trailing_seq
'strand': '^[\+-]$'
final_rows = []
for row in rows:
row['score'] = Blat.score(row, is_protein=is_protein)
row['percent_ident'] = Blat.percent_identity(row, is_protein=is_protein)
qseq = seqid_to_sequence_mapping[row['qname']]
row['qseq_full'] = qseq
for x in [
'qgap_count', 'qgap_bases', 'tgap_count',
'tgap_bases', 'qsize', 'tsize', 'ncount',
'match', 'mismatch', 'repmatch'
if row[x] < 0 and verbose:
raise AssertionError(
'Blat error: blat returned a negative number, which are not allowed: {}={}'.format(
x, row[x]))
except AssertionError as err:
if verbose:
return header, final_rows
[docs] @staticmethod
def pslx_row_to_pysam(row, bam_cache, reference_genome):
given a 'row' from reading a pslx file. converts the row to a BlatAlignedSegment object
row (dict of str): a row object from the 'read_pslx' method
bam_cache (BamCache): the bam file/cache to use as a template for creating reference_id from chr name
reference_genome (:class:`dict` of :class:`Bio.SeqRecord` by :class:`str`):
dict of reference sequence by template/chr name
chrom = bam_cache.reference_id(row['tname'])
query_sequence = row['qseq_full']
if row['strand'] == STRAND.NEG:
query_sequence = reverse_complement(query_sequence)
temp = [q + b for q, b in zip(row['qstarts'], row['block_sizes'])]
temp = [len(query_sequence) - q for q in temp][::-1]
# note: converting to inclusive range [] vs end-exclusive [)
reference_sequence = reference_genome[row['tname']].seq if reference_genome else None
query_ranges = [Interval(x, x + y - 1) for x, y in zip(row['qstarts'], row['block_sizes'])]
ref_ranges = [Interval(x, x + y - 1) for x, y in zip(row['tstarts'], row['block_sizes'])]
for i in range(1, len(query_ranges)):
# first check for blat errors
if query_ranges[i].start <= query_ranges[i - 1].end or ref_ranges[i].start <= ref_ranges[i - 1].end:
raise AssertionError('block ranges overlap in row', row)
# try extending by consuming from the next aligned portion
if reference_sequence:
i = 0
new_query_ranges = []
new_ref_ranges = []
while i < len(query_ranges):
qpos = query_ranges[i][1] + 1
rpos = ref_ranges[i][1] + 1
shift = 0
while qpos + shift < len(query_sequence) and rpos + shift < len(reference_sequence):
if DNA_ALPHABET.match(query_sequence[qpos + shift], reference_sequence[rpos + shift]):
shift += 1
if shift == 0:
i += 1
new_query_ranges.append((query_ranges[i][0], query_ranges[i][1] + shift))
new_ref_ranges.append((ref_ranges[i][0], ref_ranges[i][1] + shift))
n = i + 1
while shift > 0 and n < len(query_ranges):
size = query_ranges[n][1] - query_ranges[n][0] + 1
if size > shift:
new_query_ranges.append((query_ranges[n][0] + shift, query_ranges[n][1]))
new_ref_ranges.append((ref_ranges[n][0] + shift, ref_ranges[n][1]))
shift = 0
shift -= size
n += 1
i = n
query_ranges = new_query_ranges
ref_ranges = new_ref_ranges
seq = ''
cigar = []
for i in range(0, len(query_ranges)):
rcurr = ref_ranges[i]
qcurr = query_ranges[i]
size = qcurr[1] - qcurr[0] + 1
if i > 0: # will be an ins/del depending on the distance from the last block
# append based on the prev range
rprev = ref_ranges[i - 1]
qprev = query_ranges[i - 1]
qjump = qcurr[0] - qprev[1]
rjump = rcurr[0] - rprev[1]
if rjump == 1: # reference is consecutive
if qjump > 1: # query range skipped. insertion to the reference sequence
cigar.append((CIGAR.I, qjump - 1))
# adds the inserted seq for the pysam read
seq += query_sequence[qprev[1] + 1:qcurr[0]]
elif qjump == 1: # query is consecutive
if rjump > 1: # reference range skipped. deletion of the reference sequence
cigar.append((CIGAR.D, rjump - 1))
else: # indel
seq += query_sequence[qprev[1] + 1:qcurr[0]]
cigar.append((CIGAR.I, qjump - 1))
cigar.append((CIGAR.D, rjump - 1))
# compute the match/mismatch for the current block
if not reference_sequence:
cigar.append((CIGAR.M, size))
for r, q in zip(reference_sequence[rcurr[0]:rcurr[1] + 1], query_sequence[qcurr[0]:qcurr[1] + 1]):
if DNA_ALPHABET.match(r, q):
cigar.append((CIGAR.EQ, 1))
cigar.append((CIGAR.X, 1))
seq += query_sequence[qcurr[0]:qcurr[1] + 1]
# add initial soft-clipping
if query_ranges[0][0] > 0: # first block starts after the query start
temp = query_sequence[0:query_ranges[0][0]]
seq = temp + seq
cigar.insert(0, (CIGAR.S, len(temp)))
if query_ranges[-1][1] < len(query_sequence) - 1:
temp = query_sequence[query_ranges[-1][1] + 1:]
seq += temp
cigar.append((CIGAR.S, len(temp)))
read = SamRead(reference_name=row['tname'], alignment_score=row['score'])
read.query_sequence = seq
read.reference_start = row['tstarts'][0]
read.reference_id = chrom
read.cigar = cigar_tools.join(cigar)
read.query_name = row['qname']
read.mapping_quality = NA_MAPPING_QUALITY
if row['strand'] == STRAND.NEG:
read.flag = read.flag | PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.REVERSE
# read.cigar = read.cigar[::-1] # DON't REVERSE b/c blat reports on the positive strand already
if read.query_sequence != row['qseq_full'] and read.query_sequence != reverse_complement(row['qseq_full']):
raise AssertionError(
'read sequence should reproduce input sequence',
qcons = sum([v for c, v in read.cigar if c in QUERY_ALIGNED_STATES])
assert(len(read.query_sequence) == qcons)
except (AttributeError, ValueError) as err:
raise err
return read
[docs]def get_blat_version():
proc = subprocess.getoutput([SUPPORTED_ALIGNER.BLAT])
for line in proc.split('\n'):
m = re.search('blat - Standalone BLAT v. (\d+(x\d+)?)', line)
if m:
return m.group(1)
raise ValueError("unable to parse blat version number from:'{}'".format(proc))
[docs]def process_blat_output(
converts the blat output pslx (unheadered file) to bam reads
if is_protein:
raise NotImplementedError('currently does not support aligning protein sequences')
header, rows = Blat.read_pslx(aligner_output_file, query_id_mapping, is_protein=is_protein)
# split the rows by query id
rows_by_query = {}
for row in rows:
if row['qname'] not in rows_by_query:
rows_by_query[row['qname']] = []
reads_by_query = {}
sequences = set(query_id_mapping.values())
for s in sequences:
reads_by_query[s] = []
for query_id, rows in rows_by_query.items():
query_seq = query_id_mapping[query_id]
# filter on percent id
score_ranks = {}
for count, s in enumerate(sorted([r['score'] for r in rows], reverse=True)):
score_ranks[s] = count
filtered_rows = [row for row in rows if round(row['percent_ident'], 0) >= blat_min_identity]
# filter on score
filtered_rows.sort(key=lambda x: x['score'], reverse=True)
reads = []
# compute ranks first
for count, row in enumerate(filtered_rows):
if count >= blat_limit_top_aln:
row['rank'] = score_ranks[row['score']]
read = Blat.pslx_row_to_pysam(row, INPUT_BAM_CACHE, reference_genome)
except KeyError as e:
'warning: reference template name not recognized {0}'.format(e))
except AssertionError as e:
warnings.warn('warning: invalid blat alignment: {}'.format(e))
read.set_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.BLAT_SCORE, row['score'], value_type='i')
read.set_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.BLAT_ALIGNMENTS, len(filtered_rows), value_type='i')
read.set_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.BLAT_PMS, blat_min_percent_of_max_score, value_type='f')
read.set_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.BLAT_RANK, row['rank'], value_type='i')
read.set_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.BLAT_PERCENT_IDENTITY, row['percent_ident'], value_type='f')
reads_by_query[query_seq] = reads
return reads_by_query