Reference Input Files

There are several reference files that are required for full functionality of the MAVIS pipeline. If the same reference file will be reused often then the user may find it helpful to set reasonable defaults. Default values for any of the reference file arguments can be configured through MAVIS_ prefixed environment variables.

file file type/format environment variable
reference genome fasta MAVIS_REFERENCE_GENOME
annotations JSON or text/tabbed MAVIS_ANNOTATIONS
masking text/tabbed MAVIS_MASKING
template metadata text/tabbed MAVIS_TEMPLATE_METADATA

If the environment variables above are set they will be used as the default values when any step of the pipeline script is called (including generating the template config file)

Reference Genome

These are the sequence files in fasta format that are used in aligning and generating the fusion sequences.


Template Metadata

This is the file which contains the band information for the chromosomes. This is only used during visualization.


chr1    0       2300000 p36.33  gneg
chr1    2300000 5400000 p36.32  gpos25
chr1    5400000 7200000 p36.31  gneg
chr1    7200000 9200000 p36.23  gpos25
chr1    9200000 12700000        p36.22  gneg

Masking File

File which contains regions that we should ignore calls in. This can be used to filter out regions with known false positives, bad mapping, centromeres, telomeres etc. An example is shown below

#chr    start   end     name
chr1    0       2300000 centromere
chr1    9200000 12700000        telomere


This is a custom file format. Essentially just a tabbed or JSON file which contains the gene, transcript, exon, translation and protein domain positional information


the load_reference_genes() will only load valid translations. If the cds sequence in the annotation is not a multiple of CODON_SIZE or if a reference genome (sequences) is given and the cds start and end are not M and * amino acids as expected the translation is not loaded

Example of the JSON file structure can be seen below

        "name": string,
        "start": int,
        "end": int
        "aliases": [string, string, ...],
        "transcripts": [
                "name": string,
                "start": int,
                "end": int,
                "exons": [
                    {"start": int, "end": int, "name": string},
                "cdna_coding_start": int,
                "cdna_coding_end": int,
                "domains": [
                        "name": string,
                        "regions": [
                            {"start" aa_start, "end": aa_end}
                        "desc": string

This reference file can be generated from any database with the necessary information.

Generating the Annotations from Ensembl

There is a helper script included with mavis to facilitate generating the custom annotations file from an instance of the ensembl database. This uses the Ensembl perl api to connect and pull information from the database. This has been tested with both Ensembl69 and Ensembl79.

Instructions for downloading and installing the perl api can be found on the ensembl site

  1. Make sure the ensembl perl api modules are added to the PERL5LIB environment variable
export PERL5LIB
  1. Configure the environment variables to set defaults for the perl script
# required data files
export HUGO_ENSEMBL_MAPPING=/path/to/mapping/file
export BEST_TRANSCRIPTS=/path/to/transcripts/file

# connection information for the ensembl local (or external) server
  1. Run the perl script

you can view the help menu by running


you can override the default input file parameters (configured in the above step) by providing arguments to the script itself

perl --best_transcript_file /path/to/best/transcripts/file --output /path/to/output/json/file.json

or if you have configured the environment variables as given in step 2, then simply provide the output path

perl --output /path/to/output/json/file.json